About Shane's Sporting Clays
Shane's is a small family owned Sporting Clays range located in Summerfield, North Carolina. Shane Naylor (owner/operator) has been shooting since the age of 8 years old. He has loved the sport since 1987. Coming from Texas, Shane and his Dad (Tom) opened the range in 1987 in need of a place to shoot close to home. Shane's was the first Sporting Clays range in the state of North Carolina. He started with only 10 traps. Tom and Shane pulled by themselves till they became too busy and hired several part-timers.
Over the years Shane's has changed over from manual traps to automated, and now has 14 fully automated stations (two traps per station). This allows shooters to move at their own pace and enjoy each station to the fullest. The wobble trap was opened 8 years ago. It is a great place to warm up or even better to brush-up on your "real game" hunting.
Varying numbers of clay pairs are shot at each of our 14 stations, with the total shots for an outing adding up to 50 or 100 (two or four boxes of shells, respectively). Advanced shooters have the clays thrown as simultaneous pairs (called true pairs in most of the US, and sim pairs in the UK), while novice or intermediate shooters can

opt for the clays to be thrown on report (the second clay launched on the report of the shooter's gun, hence the name report pair).
Targets are thrown at different angles and speeds; sometimes across the shooter's view (crossers), towards the shooter (in-comers), away from the shooter (out-goers), or straight up in the air (often called "teals"). The shots are intended to simulate hunting for quail, grouse, pheasant, pigeon, or other game.
For an added variety of shots, We have targets that roll and bounce along the ground to simulate rabbits. There are also targets, called 'battues', that loop in the air — this does not simulate any particular animal, but it is usually a challenging target.